Common Septic Problems

Here is a list of some of the common septic problems that hinder a consistent flow in a septic system.

Pumping out a system
  • No bacteria killers
  • Do not dispose of grease, fats, and oils.
  • Do not dispose of pesticides, herbicides, or any other toxins.
  • The garbage disposal should be used sparingly. Food waste, grease, etc. should be disposed of in the solid waste bin. Food waste represents additional loading the Aerobic Treatment Unit would have to digest, increasing pump out intervals.
  • Do not dispose of paints, household chemicals, automobile fluids, or discard mop water into the system.
  • Diapers, feminine hygiene products, condoms, hair, coffee grounds, paper towels, bandages, etc.
  • Recommended detergents are low-suds, low in phosphates, and biodegradable, with washing soda ingredients. Fabric softener dryer sheets are recommended.
  • Recommended cleaning products are non-chlorine, biodegradable, non-toxic and non-corrosive.
  • Do not dispose of strong disinfectants or bleaches, such as “Clorox”, “Lysol”, or “Pine-Sol”. Anti-bacterial soaps should be avoided.
  • Large amounts of citrus based or natural cleaners which kill bacteria will be detrimental to the system.
  • Do not use chemical drain cleaners or additives for septic systems like “Rid-X” or similar products.
  • Water softener discharge kills the micro-organisms in your wastewater treatment system. If at all possible, direct softener discharge elsewhere. Be absolutely sure it is programmed correctly. (you can call us for a referral for a trustworthy water treatment specialist)
  • Never use automatic toilet bowl cleaning dispensers such as “Tidy Bowl”.
    • It has been my experience that you can use any household type cleaner you wish, just do so SPARINGLY! Put your cleaners in a spray bottle and apply where you need it. You will find your cleaners will go further and your system will operate better. Moderation is key!